Dr. Michel Schreiber Dr. Helen Schreiber
Specialists in holistic medicine
Family doctors for parents & children

Metabolic diseases and disturbances


The concept goes back to Sir Archibald Garrod, Physician of the 20th century, who stated that all metabolic problems originate from enzyme defects. Today we know more about the manifold precipitating causes in the areas of genes, hormones (e.g. insulin, thyroid hormone), nutrition and “life style” - a modern word. Patients come to us most often because of hormonal disturbances of the thyroid gland with hyper- or hypo-thyroidism, because of disturbances of the metabolism of fat, sugar or uric acid,  as well as a vast number of diseases resulting from these e.g. diabetes, obesity and gout, just to name a few examples. 


A detailed, holistic, constitutional medical history together with specific laboratory tests would make the diagnosis and first line treatment clear. In addition to bio-identical hormones other treatment methods of natural medicine might be applied.  Orthomolecular supplements might well be necessary besides the change of nutritional habits. Energetic procedures such as Homoeopathy and Acupuncture regulate the own functions of the body. Through Neural Therapy or Regulations Thermography “fields of disturbance” could be identified and eliminated so that metabolic problems could be dealt with more easily. 


If there is a blockage in the regulatory mechanisms of the body, e.g. regarding acid-base balance, many of the metabolic functions cannot take place properly.  This  acid-base-imbalance must first be corrected. Many people, and the number is increasing, suffer from a so-called “Auto-intoxication”, which means an internal poisoning. This comes about as the body is unable to get rid of metabolic  waste products properly by excretion through stool and urine due to constipation or kidney problems.  External factors which burden the metabolism , e.g. heavy metals or drugs, also play an increasingly important role. The microbiological therapy (or “bowel cleansing” in layman's term) , the stimulation of excretion through different methods (according to Kneipp, Clarke), mild reduction diets or detoxification through chelation are important and effective treatment strategies.


It is a clinical decision, whether a hormone (bio-identical) therapy (e.g. insulin, thyroxin), the application of a herbal or homoeopathic remedy, a nutritional change or a combination of these is the primary way to the goal. When metabolic disturbances have led to a blockage of regulation mechanisms, these must be alleviated by treatment methods of enhancing excretion or by supporting the body's own excretory organs and their functions.